Etter litt om og men har en av mine PT kunder fått lov til å dele sine erfaringer med dere.
For vi nordmenn er nemlig et sæææært folkeslag, og er det noe vi er sære på så er det selvskryt!
Bare ordet i seg selv får det til å gå negative vibber nedover ryggen min! Så nå tar jeg et lite «oppgjør» med selvskryt, og lar Chris skryte av meg i stede;)
Today, I experienced one of the best core workouts that I have done in years.
Being athletic and in pretty good shape, I thought it would be no problem. Oh, how I was wrong. I learned a lot today about my body and what areas are weaker than others.
Let’s just say that I will be sore tomorrow.
It was my first one on one with Desiree and let me be the first to tell you that the amount of knowledge she possess it top notch.
Her attention to detail to make sure you are in the proper position, you are doing the exercise correctly and that you are breathing ( at times it was hard to remember to breath) is first class.
Whether you are a beginner or advanced in training, Desiree is the person to get you to the next level.
I am looking forward to our next meeting and can’t wait to see what she has in store for me next time.
Thank you again for an amazing session this morning.
For en heldiggris! 🙂 Synes du skal flytte til Bergen, Desiree, så du kan tyne meg ett par uker eller fire. Du trenges her vettu ;D
Maya: Hehe 🙂